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How to Interpret the Labels on BROVI PMU Ink Bottles

How to Interpret the Labels on BROVI PMU Ink Bottles

Wondering about the various symbols and icons on BROVI’s permanent makeup ink labels? While it’s easy to search online for many product components, the graphics and markings can be a bit more nuanced. Below, we’ll break down the infographics so you can better understand what each one means and ensure you’re using your BROVI inks correctly.

Which Infographics Appear on the Labels?

BROVI’s 15 ml bottles showcase a full lineup of mandatory markings:

  1. sterile
    Indicates that the product is sterile. In BROVI’s case, bottles, caps, and dispenser tips are sterilized using specialized solutions, then dried in drying cabinets. The ink itself remains sterile because of specific components included in its formulation.
  2. sterile eo
    You may notice this marking on BROVI cartridges. It signifies that the packaged items have undergone sterilization with ethylene oxide (S-90 gas).
  3. eco
    This symbol appears when a company has earned an Environmental Safety Certificate. You can view BROVI’s eco-certification online.
  4. 12M
    Once opened, the ink can be used for up to 12 months.
  5. Not Tested on Animals
    Indicates that neither the product nor its raw ingredients are tested on animals.
  6. Certified Vegan
    Confirms there are no animal-derived materials in the ink, making it 100% suitable for vegan use.
  7. ПЭ (PE)
    A voluntary certification mark representing conformity. Different certification bodies may have varying symbols (for instance, PST or RST). You can find BROVI’s PE certificates in the product listings.
  8. ЕАС (EAC)
    This mark shows that BROVI inks are approved for sale within the Eurasian Economic Union. It verifies that the product has met the technical regulations required by the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.
  9. Date of Production
    One of the label’s most critical pieces of information is the manufacturing date, which is not an expiration date. From that production date, sealed BROVI inks can be stored for up to two years (24 months). Once the bottle is opened, the inks can be used for a maximum of 12 months.

Fewer Symbols on 5 ml Bottles

Not all infographics are required for every label size. Consequently, the 5 ml bottles have fewer icons. However, the symbols you do see mean the same thing as those on the 15 ml versions—only the most essential ones are included on the smaller label.

Keep Production Dates and Expiration Dates Straight

It’s essential to distinguish between the production date and the product’s recommended usage window. BROVI does not list the ink’s expiration date on the label. Instead, you’ll find:

  • Sealed shelf life: 24 months from the production date.
  • After opening: 12 months from the time you break the seal.

Understanding these symbols and time frames will help you store, handle, and use BROVI PMU inks properly.