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About BROVI PMU Pigments from Anna Kutsevolova

The idea of creating our own pigments was prompted by the lack of high-quality inks on the market that would meet all professional requirements.

We created the first batch for our own consumption in the studio. At that time, we did not have the objective of finding the ideal ratio of colors and ingredients to compete with the big companies in the beauty industry.

We worked on colors, tested formulas, until one day we finally came up with the ones that seemed to be the most successful to us and our colleagues. Besides our employees, many PMU artists were involved in the testing, who in fact became the first regular buyers of these inks.

Officially, sales of pigments under the BROVI brand started in 2018, but serious work on their development had started long before that.

And the instant success of our inks is owed to the fact that the product had already been fully developed, tested and brought to the highest level of quality.

BROVI pigments were the fruit of our desire to use high-quality pigments—and we gave this opportunity to other PMU artists. Join us!

Anna Kutsevolova

Owner of BROVI studio and creator of pigments

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